The most effective method to Get Gmail's Best Features Without A Gmail Account

In the current week's Tech 911 - the section where we offer sensible answers and clarifications for of your most profound, darkest tech disarrays - a Lifehacker peruser asks why she can't get to a portion of Gmail's best features with a third-party email customer (and a non-Gmail address).

I'll let Lifehacker peruser Andrea clarify more:

I discovered this one a bit of confounding at first, however then I re-read your letter and the appropriate response turned out to be genuinely clear. Your email service (, now, and as of late gained by doesn't appear to play pleasantly with Airmail's traditions for stamping messages as spam, blocking individuals from messaging you, quieting discussions, and so forth.

Just to ensure, I visited quickly with a support individual from Airmail yesterday, and this is what they needed to state:

"Airmail does not have a devoted spam channel of its own, in this manner stamping as spam depends on the server of the email account that you utilize. On the off chance that the server discovers that a specific email sender has a message set apart as spam as of now in the spam organizer, at that point it will work else, it won't. In this way, it absolutely relies upon the server and Airmail does not channel spam starting at now."

That is not precisely the particular answer I was wanting to get from them, yet the last line is lighting up. What's more, in the event that you take a gander at the connected support articles above for the square and quiet features, the greater part of their illustrations include a sham Gmail customer service number Canada address.

That, notwithstanding this more seasoned Reddit remark about Airmail, influences me to feel as though these features depend on the email supplier you're utilizing. Since your essential email address originates from a more dark email supplier and not, say, Gmail, Airmail's "quiet" and "square" activities presumably don't mean anything on your email supplier's end. At the end of the day, you get the nuts and bolts of email by means of Airmail, yet that is about it.

What would you be able to do? I question you will need to switch the supplier you've had for as long as 20 years. Computerized wistfulness is ground-breaking, I know. What you can have a go at doing — and I'm simply trying this, since this is getting perplexing — is setting up another Gmail address and utilizing Gmail's "Check mail from different accounts" choice to import messages from your genuine email address.

You would then be able to set up Gmail to utilize your email supplier's SMTP server to send active mail as though it was originating from your essential address. What's more, once you've done that, you should then have the capacity to arrange Airmail with the account accreditations for your sham Gmail address.

You'll at that point hold the greater part of Gmail's features (like quieting, blocking, and so forth), yet regardless you'll have the capacity to get and send email from your essential email address, not your sham Gmail account. I trust. It's conceivable that you may need to arrange Airmail to utilize your supplier's SMTP server also, not Gmail's, but rather I can't affirm this as I don't have Airmail — I'm shabby, what would i be able to state.

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